Work with the power of the seasons

Working on the Self, in synthony with what the Power of Nature is working on, all around us on the Earth, within the Circle of the Seasons, amplifies thousand folds the Work. ( following one of the 7 hermetic principles, that of Polarization).

This work has been developed by Paola with ageless work by Sonia Baldoni (see her book “The Sybil of herbs”), together with Native American teachings, Hermetic priciples and observation of the in laws of Nature.

Always remember :
The Macrocosm & the Microcosm are One! As Above so Below, is a Major Natural law.

The major Energy Points within the circle of the year are 8
the days are 365
so each Energy Period is about 45 days
Here is the 8 different Energies that

the 8 Periods give us to work with :

  1. Autumn Equinox : Beginning of the Cicle September 21 : WEEDING

  2. All Saints & Dead : November 1 & 2nd: SEEDING

  3. Winter Solstice: December 21 : ROOTING

  4. Candelora: February 2 nd : GERMINATING

  5. Spring Equinox: March 21:  DEATH & REBIRTH

  6. Mayday : May 1 st : FERTILITY

  7. Summer Equinox : June 21 st MANIFESTING

  8. Ferragosto : August 15th :  CELEBRATING LIFE

Rejoycing , enjoying the fruits of the labour in thankfullness.
September 21 : WEEDING
Fall Equinox ; the cycle starts 
The tools are: Vision, Intention and Action.

WHILE in the Earth everyone is removing the stones in the fields, removing the weeds, working and Tilling the Land to prepare it to receive the new Seed, 


Choose OUR priority, ONE personal hindering dynamic that we want to de-energize, to work on for this 1 year cycle.  ( we might have many, but we must choose 1, clearly and with strong focus)

Start to look at it and see where it is rooted, in the body, mind and spirit.  

Talk to Creation while you hand-weed physically out the garden and state which aspects of the dynamic you are weeding out and letting go, while u physically uproot the weeds. ( Our subconscious is very visual). Get familiar with aspects of the dynamic. Make a clear intention on what to release, and dis-energize in this year’s cycle and what is the harmonious quality that you want to fill the gap with.

Beginning of the cycle, we pray to Individuate well OUR PRIORITY, the main thing  that we want to dis-energize, and the harmonious quality we want to replace  it with and energize:  WE CREATE AND SET OUR INTENTION.

For 40 days in between the Equinox and All Saints day, we watch our self acting and wherever the  dynamic comes up, we try to follow our intention, we often WATCH where we go on automatic.  Like a record has a groove to hear the music so with our everyday’s actions we have to create a NEW GROOVE TO HEAR NEW MUSIC


we must stay focused on what we want to DIS-ENERGIZE

We must learn TO RECOGNIZE THE SIGNS OUR BODY GIVES US OF THE APPROACHING DYNAMIC JUST BEFORE IT SURFACES, SO WE CAN SHIFT OUT OF THE AUTOMATIC. At the end of each day do a little re-play of how we dealt with our dynamic when it came up.

AWARENESS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. We start getting to know it better and the different aspects of it in the body, the mind and the spirit.  IN THE BODY, where do we feel help identify the alarm bells and help us to remember rather than going on automatic.  Keep list of things you want to look out for.  

Pay attention to the magic between being in the mind and creating into life.  

Helps you to be more aware and more present.  When it comes up and you catch it, you have a choice.  When we see these patterns approaching, take a deep breath and substitute with a conscious choice and do what you SET your intention to do. 

NOT to go into automatic. To TAKE a NEW action , THAT ONLY will slowly create a new groove.

And on we go to the seven different energies that support the work in the other seven key points of the cycle…………
